Saturday, July 7, 2007

French official suggested Bush was behind September 11 - Yahoo! News

French official suggested Bush was behind September 11 - Yahoo! News

Asked in an interview last November, before she became minister, whether she thought Bush might be behind the attacks, Boutin says: "I think it is possible. I think it is possible."

Boutin backs her assertion by pointing to the large number of people who visit websites that challenge the official line over the September 11 strikes against U.S. cities.

"I know that the websites that speak of this problem are websites that have the highest number of visits ... And I tell myself that this expression of the masses and of the people cannot be without any truth."

-- "And I tell myself that this expression of the masses and of the people cannot be without any truth." - First off, these are conspiracy theories. What this amounts to is someone coming up with a theory because they can not believe that this horrific event was put together and masterminded by cowards in caves. The lunatics found a vulnerability in our society and exploited it. Thankfully they have not been able to do it since.

The idea that Bush caused this is absurd. One what is the motive? An excuse to attack the Mid-East for oil? I didn't realize that Afghanistan was an oil rich country. I am fairly ignorant as far as Afghanistan goes, but from what I understand it is a great place to get opium. I don't think that would be our motivation.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

ACLU sues city over Jesus painting - Yahoo! News

What an absolutely pathetic organization! At one time, this organization was held in high regard for the radical change they helped bring to head in regard to civil liberties.

This is nothing but a hateful action. No one can tell me that the principles taught in the Bible are not beneficial to everyone. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"...."Turn the other cheek"...

This organization has become a stain on our society. When we can look past all this bs we can then move on to become a better people. Regardless of religion.

ACLU sues city over Jesus painting - Yahoo! News